Obituary of Brian Clay South
It is with great sorrow to announce that Beloved Husband and Father; Brian Clay South, 58 of Cottonwood, Arizona, born February 9, 1962, has passed away from earth June 12, 2020, and moved out of his body to his celestial home with his heavenly Father and his son; Jesus our Lord and Savior. He loved his family and loved life, he had a great passion to help others and that showed in everything he did and everyone he met. He was a compassionate man full of love for all.
Some of his favorite hobbies had included gardening, camping, fishing, hiking, exploring and gold hunting. He had a true zest for life and was not afraid to do or say anything. He loved America and was proud to be American.
As a profession he was an Electrician for over 25 years in the Verde Valley. At the end, he was totally happy and content working at Spectrum Healthcare group as a Maintenance Technician.
Brian is survived by his wife, June; his children, Bryan, Jessica, Kenny and Robert. His Grandchildren; Cailyn, Blaine, Elizabeth, Angela, Anastasia, Athina, Robert Jr, Milo, Rowen, Trey, Noelle and Brenden.
He is also survived by his parents; Mother, Paula and Father, Clay. His two brothers; Greg and Derek and his sister, Lori. Many in laws, nieces and nephews.
At this time, there is no planned date for his “Celebration of Life” memorial service due to the sudden unexpected death, the Covid19 pandemic and restrictions. Family will update when date is planned.